Thank you for your interest in Planned Giving and Leaving a Legacy at St. Paul of the Cross Passionist Retreat and Conference Center
We know how important St. Paul of the Cross Passionist Retreat Center is to you and your loved ones. Thank you for being an instrument in furthering the Mission and Ministry of St. Paul’s.
Please let us know if you have remembered St. Paul of the Cross Passionist Retreat & Conference Center in your estate plan, so we can include your name on our Director Circle-New Horizons listing.
If you are including St. Paul’s as a beneficiary in your estate plan, please list our legal title:
St. Paul of the Cross Passionist Retreat Center, Inc.
23333 Schoolcraft, Detroit, MI 48223
Our federal tax ID number is: 20-2263326
St. Paul’s is recognized by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c) (3) non-profit corp.
Inviting You to Leave a Legacy
The ultimate goal of St. Paul of the Cross Passionist Retreat & Conference Center’s Planned Giving Program is to ensure the longevity of St. Paul’s for future generations. St. Paul’s, a sponsored ministry of the Passionist Community, has served lay men and women of Metro Detroit since the first weekend monastery retreat in October, 1948. Nurtured by continued devotion, trust and an enthusiastic commitment of Passionists and laity, a modern facility was constructed and began welcoming retreatants in 1960. St. Paul’s continued to grow and in the Fall of 1999 retreatants were welcomed to the expanded conference facility which continues to thrive today.
We welcome you to consider a Planned Gift which will help St. Paul’s continue to provide a sacred place of hospitality and compassion where all are welcome to experience hope, renewal, and the loving presence of God for future generations.
Planned Giving encompasses a variety of ways gifts can be made to St. Paul’s from accumulated resources. It usually involves financial or estate planning; however, it is not reserved for the wealthy. Planned giving is a means by which anyone concerned with the wise use of his or her personal resources makes a considered choice about their ultimate disposition.
In general planned gifts are made through:
- A Bequest in a Will
- Memorial and Honorary Gifts
- A Life Income Gift such as a pooled income fund, a charitable gift annuity, or a charitable remainder trust
- Gifts of Special Assets (real estate, closely held stock, life insurance, retirement accounts
Planned giving establishes a way for you to:
- Provide for your family members while remembering St. Paul’s
- Enables you to provide more for your heirs and to make a larger gift than thought possible
- Reduces taxes
Your planned gift can be designated for St. Paul’s:
- General Fund
- Special Project
- Endowment Fund
Your planned gift can be:
- An outright gift (i.e. appreciated securities, real property, personal property, etc.)
- A deferred gift (i.e. bequest, charitable gift annuity, charitable trust)
GETTING STARTED as a Planned Giver
You can start today!
- Make sure you have an up-to-date will (or living trust)
- Contact your financial advisor
- Think beyond cash. You can leave stocks, real estate, insurance policies and personal property to charitable organizations
- Make your favorite charity a beneficiary of your life insurance, pension plan or IRA
Your Donation Makes a Big Impact – Did you know?
- St. Paul’s is self sustainable
- St. Paul’s does not receive funding from the Archdiocese of Detroit
- Donations to St. Paul’s are tax deductable to the full extent of the law
For more information on how you can help provide support for the life and ministry of St. Paul of the Cross Passionist Retreat & Conference Center, and leave a lasting legacy, please contact Mary Moret, Director of Mission Advancement at 313-286-2806 or via email at
Please note estate planning and other gifting information or proposals may be offered to or discussed with donors of St. Paul of the Cross Passionist Retreat Center, Inc. Such discussions and any other written, verbal, electronic or other communications with St. Paul’s Gift Planning Staff or other representatives relating to any gifting are not intended as, nor should they be construed to be, legal, tax, estate planning and/or financial advice or counsel, and are offered for illustrative purposes only. Current and prospective donors are encouraged to seek legal, tax, estate planning and/or financial counsel from their professional advisors prior to making any planned gift.