Please Support St. Paul of the Cross Passionist Retreat and Conference Center
The Fr. James Thoman, CP, Endowment Fund is a permanent fund created through the generosity of donors wishing to support the long-term financial needs of St. Paul’s.
“It teaches me the spiritual power of selflessness. The Cross has taught me that taking risks for the sake of the good always brings a blessing, sometimes in unexpected ways. At the Cross of Jesus I have learned that the way of selflessness leads to deep inner freedom and great spiritual power. Praying about the Cross of Christ has taught me to see the problems, evils and difficulties of my world, and of my own experiences, through the eyes of eternal compassion.”
Fr. Jim Thoman, CP 3-1-08
Please join us in helping to ensure the legacy of Fr. Jim Thoman, CP, for generations to come. Fr. Jim would’ve been 75 in January 2023. Consider making a gift in honor of a man who had a tremendous effect on the lives of so many!
Welcome to Online Giving. With the focus of stewardship, or returning God’s gifts through the generous sharing of our time, talent and treasure, we have provided the opportunity to make your donations through this safe, secure venue. Online Giving allows you to make contributions automatically and gives you the opportunity to charge the timing of the amount of your gift at any time. Please support St Paul’s with your most tax deductible donation using the form below.
Your Donation Makes a Big Impact – Did you know?
- St. Paul’s is self sustainable
- St. Paul’s does not receive funding from the Archdiocese of Detroit
- Donations to St. Paul’s are tax deductible to the full extent of the law
Would you like the convenience of a Recurring Gift?
A great way to help us plan for the future is through recurring donations. A recurring donation is a donation that is automatically paid via your bank or credit card once a month. An automatic payment can be designated to any fund you choose. You can become a recurring giver for as little as $25.00 a month.
- There is no need to write a check
- You will have peace of mind knowing your contribution is received
- All contributions are recorded on your bank statement with date of settlement