Wish List

Your support makes a difference.

We know how important St. Paul of the Cross Passionist Retreat and Conference Center is to you and your family. Thank you for being an instrument in furthering the Mission and Ministry of St. Paul’s.

Wish List Items – Click on an item to purchase!


PLEASE NOTE: Should you wish to donate, please first contact Roz at 313-286-2848 or rsalter@stpaulretreat.org. This will ensure that we know who the donor is, and that we do not receive a duplicate donation. Thank you!

If you purchase an item, please have it sent to:

St. Paul of the Cross
Tom Scherf
23333 Schoolcraft
Detroit, MI 48223

Thank you to those who donated for our recent needs!

Generous donors help St. Paul’s to be fiscally responsible and sustainable into the future! Visit this page often to find out about our needs. We appreciate your support!

Your Donation Makes a Big Impact –

 Did you know?
  • St. Paul’s is self sustainable
  • St. Paul’s does not receive funding from the Archdiocese of Detroit
  • Donations to St. Paul’s are tax deductible to the full extent of the law

Thank you for your support!