St. Paul of the Cross Passionist Retreat & Conference Center
23333 Schoolcraft Road
Detroit, MI 48223-2405
(313) 535-9563
For driving directions, click on the dot in the map on the right!
From East
I-94 West to I-96 West
Exit at Outer Drive – Exit 180
Stay on the West bound Schoolcraft (I-96 Service Drive) to Virgil (light). Turn left at Virgil to cross over I-96. Make another left onto Eastbound Schoolcraft. Watch for the St. Paul of the Cross sign located near the driveway on the right. Turn into the drive and follow up through the open gate.
From West
I-96 East
Exit at Telegraph. Stay straight ahead on Eastbound Schoolcraft (the I-96 Service Drive). A short distance beyond Virgil (light) watch for the St. Paul of the Cross sign located near the driveway on the right. Turn into the drive and follow up through the open gate.
From South
North on Telegraph
Follow the I-96 East sign. Turn right (at Schoolcraft which is the I-96 service drive). Do NOT go on the freeway, stay on the service drive. Just a short distance beyond Virgil (traffic light) watch for the St. Paul of the Cross sign located near the driveway on your right. Turn into the drive and follow up through the open gate.
From North
South on Telegraph to I-96 East
Make a left turn (under Telegraph) to get onto Schoolcraft (which is the I-96 Service Drive.) Do NOT go on the freeway, stay on the service drive. Just a short distance beyond Virgil (traffic light) watch for the St. Paul of the Cross sign located near the driveway on the right. Turn into the drive and follow up through the open gate.
From Detroit Metro Airport
I-94 East to Telegraph North
Follow the I-96 East sign. Turn right (at Schoolcraft which is the I-96 service drive). Do NOT go on the freeway, stay on the service drive. Just a short distance beyond Virgil (traffic light) watch for the St. Paul of the Cross sign located near the driveway on your right. Turn into the drive and follow up through the open gate.