Passionist Preached Weekend Retreat

Letting His presence encounter us, longing for space, time, solitude and peace. 

                                                                                                      Margaret Silf, Author

A weekend retreat experience centered around an annual theme designed to focus on some aspect of one’s life journey and relationship with God. In keeping with the Passionist Charism, retreatants will be invited to (re)discover the mystery of the Cross and Passion of Christ as foundational to healthy living. We invite you to join us in the stillness and the quiet for periods of listening to retreat leaders interwoven with silence for reflection, opportunities for prayer, Sacraments, sharing and experiences of God’s presence.

2022-2023 Retreat Theme: 

Seeking Peace: Becoming Peacemakers

“Let not your hearts be troubled…Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you…I have said this to you, that in me you may have peace.”   Jn 16:33; 14:27

So many times in Sacred Scripture we hear Jesus extend peace [God’s healing peace] – to individuals, to communities, to crowds…extending peace, calling forth peace, embodying peace.

In his January 1, 2022 address, Pope Francis says “In every age, peace is both a gift from on high and the fruit of a shared commitment.  Indeed, we can speak of an ‘architecture’ of peace, to which different institutions of society contribute, and an ‘art’ of peace that directly involves each one of us.

In 1942, in the midst of WWII, Etty Hillesum said “Ultimately, we have just one moral duty: to reclaim large areas of peace in ourselves, more and more peace, and to reflect it toward others.  And the more peace there is in us, the more peace there will also be in our troubled world.”

This peace does not come from outside – but inside – from our communion in faith and love with Jesus, the Prince of Peace.  Our world continues to find itself in turmoil, conflict, unrest, fear, anger, confusion.  How do we find peace?  Where do we look?  How do we respond?  This retreat will help us explore this healing Peace that Jesus shares and listen for how he invites us to respond.

Weekend retreats begin on Friday afternoon with check-in at 4:30 pm and dinner at 6:30. The retreats conclude on Sunday morning after Mass (finished before noon.)

Contact Christine Calleja, Passionist Weekend Retreat Reservation Coordinator, by email at or call 313.286.2802, for more information to register for a Passionist Preached Weekend Retreat.