Please Support St. Paul of the Cross Passionist Retreat and Conference Center
thru the Rekindle the Spirit Institute
Your Donation Makes a Big Im-pact – Did you know?
- St. Paul’s is self sustainable
- St. Paul’s does not receive funding from the Archdiocese of
Detroit - Donations to St. Paul’s are tax deductable to the full extent of the law.
Would you like the convenience of a Recurring Gift?
A great way to help us plan for the future is through recurring donations. A recurring donation is a donation that is automati-cally paid via your bank or cred-it card once a month. An auto-matic payment can be designat-ed to any fund you choose. You can become a recurring giver for as little as $25.00 a month.
- There is no need to write a check.
- You will have peace of mind knowing your contribution is received.
- All contributions are recorded on your bank statement with date of settlement.
Enliven your Soul! Over the past several years, the Rekindle the Spirit Institute has emerged at St. Paul’s providing a holistic framework to ‘Enliven your Soul’ and strength-en all to do the work of discipleship that Jesus calls us to. The Institute includes programs such as Christian Meditation, Christian Simplicity, holistic stress management, grief sup-port, navigating aging and others. These programs invite our faithful retreatants to fur-ther their relationship with the retreat center as well as welcome others to experience St. Paul’s.
Thank you for being an instrument in furthering the Mission and Ministry of St. Paul’s through the Rekindle the Spirit Institute.
Welcome to Online Giving. With the focus on stewardship, or returning God’s gifts through the generous sharing of our time, talent and treasure, we have provided you the opportunity to make your donations through this safe, secure venue. Online Giving al-lows you to make contributions automatically and gives you the opportunity to change the timing or the amount of your gift at any time.